Thursday, May 31, 2007

Busy Day.

Another busy day of travel, I love wedding season. I hung out with Kathryn & Preston this afternoon at the Oshtoff Resort in Elkhart Lake. Good times were had by all. We took a few photos of the lovebirds and then it was off to starbucks in Kenosha. I never pass up the chance to have the same coffee in a different town.

I met with my old friends Rose & Chuck to show them some wedding books. I first met the two of them at Jane & Kingsley's wedding last year and now it’s their turn to jump over the broomstick. I can't wait!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Engagement Fender-Bender

I meet Nicole and Adam today at the location of their second date, Glacier Trail. For you single people out their taking notes that’s G.L.A.C.I.E.R T.R.A.I.L. It worked for Adam it might work for you too. I love how the long prairie grass blows like waves in an ocean.

On the way home a nice lady from Hartford bumped into me, literally. Accidents happen, she had a great story about a 2-day roast. It's one of those you had to be there stories.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Michelle & Mark

I had fun getting to know Michelle & Mark yesterday at Big Bay Park. Mark was joking around saying that he was going to throw Michelle into lake Michigan, for a minute I thought he might. He must have remembered what happened after standing her up on their first date. I have a feeling that throwing her in a lake would have gotten him more than a car full of grass clippings. I am so excited for their wedding on 7/7/07; maybe I can talk Michelle into stopping at a grocery store for lotto tickets.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Another Book Down

I just finished Laura & Alan's wedding book.......Time for a blog break! Then it's off to an engagement shoot in Whitefish Bay. These are just a few of the coolest spreads, they all rock. That’s my modesty coming through. I forgot what a great ceremony they had, their officiate really made it memorable. Check out the rest on my site in the your "event section" look for "Laura & Alan".

Monday, May 14, 2007

Elizabeth & Troy

The best part of my job is days like Saturday, running around crazy busy from here to there. The second best are days like Sunday, the down times. I had an engagement shoot with my new friends Elizabeth & Troy at Big Bay Park in Whitefish Bay. Now that I think about it I spent the weekend bay hopping........nice. Anyway I got there a bit early to relax and take in the view. Then we got ice cream at Kopps, life is ruff.

Laura & Alan

I hung out with my old friends Laura and Alan in Green Bay this weekend. They were just as much fun as I remember. We meet at Dana and Colin's wedding last year in Milwaukee and had so much fun I was invited to be their photographer too. The two lovebirds jumped over the broomstick in Denmark and then broke it down big Willy style at the KI Center in Green Bay. It was a blast!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Deffusion Hair Salon

I spent my Sunday with the beautiful and talented ladies of Diffusion Hair Salon, in Fabulous downtown West Bend. It was one of those "I can't believe this is my job days". Drinking champagne and snacking on various cheeses, I took a few pictures to. I got to give a shout out to the gorgeous models who graced us with their presence. YOU ROCK!

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